Differential algebra based algorithm for parameter estimation in ODE models
Differential algebra based algorithm for parameter estimation in ODE models
17 Apr 2024
Degree Hall of the Faculty of Mathematics (USC)
"Differential algebra based algorithm for parameter estimation in ODE models", organized by CITMAga. It wil be taught by Alexey Ovchinnikov (Dept. of Mathematics, City University of New York, NY, USA)
Date: Wensday, April 17
Hour: 12:30 h.
Duration: 1 hour
Place: Degree Hall of the Faculty of Mathematics (USC)
We will discuss a new approach to parameter estimation in rational ODE models. This approach is based on differential algebra, rational interpolation of the data, and multivariate polynomial system solving. It does not rely on optimization to improve robustness. We will compare the performance with several other methods and discuss bottlenecks and future directions for the presented algorithm.