Comité asesor científico externo

Emilio Carrizosa

IMUS (Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla)
Reseña curricular

Professor of Statistics and OR at the University of Seville. President of math-in, the Spanish Network of Mathematics for Industry. Past President of the Spanish Statistics and Operations Research Society, past Director of the Mathematical Institute of the University of Seville, past Editor-in-Chief of TOP, and now Associate Editor of TOP and ADAC. His publications track record includes papers in Operations Research, Data Science and Industrial Mathematics, published in top OR journals (e.g. Opns Res, Manage Sci, Maths of OR) and in applied fields as a consequence of his crossdisciplinary research. Since 1996, PI in projects funded by public and private agencies and leader of industrial contracts in different sectors. 10 PhD theses supervised (plus 6 ongoing) in the last 10 years. Visiting Professor at Copenhagen Business School (Otto Mønsted Visiting Professor), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, U. Montréal, U. Wien.

ResearchedID: K-6788-2014
Scopus Author ID: 7003487567

Kathryn Hess

Laboratory for Topology and Neuroscience, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Reseña curricular

Full professor at EPFL, her work focuses on homotopy theory, category theory and algebraic topology. PI of the Laboratory for Topology and Neuroscience at EPFL, she leads a group working on algebraic topology and its applications, primarily to the life sciences, in particular to neuroscience. Author of more than 60 papers in renowned journals, she has been PI of international research projects. Her work has been recognized by the American Mathematical Society, being nominated as a member in 2017 for "contributions to homotopy theory, applications of topology to analysis of biological data and served the mathematical community." In 2017, she also received a distinguished speaker award from the European Mathematical Society. She is member of scientific advisory and evaluation committees. Currently, she is the Associate vice-president for student affairs and outreach at EPFL.

Scopus Author ID: 7201814998

Manuel de León

ICMAT (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas)
Reseña curricular

Research professor at CSIC, his work has been mainly devoted to the study of Differential Geometry and its applications to Mechanics and Mathematical Physics (over 300 papers and 5 monographs). He has been the advisor of 12 PhD students, and is currently a member of several Editorial Boards and Scientific Committees and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Geometric Mechanics (AIMS). He was Chief of the Department of Mathematics (CSIC), 2000-2007; and also the Vice-Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Fundamental Physics (CSIC), 1992-1998. He has been the founder and Director of the Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT) that has been selected as one of the Centers of Excellence in Spain (Severo Ochoa Program). He is also Fellow of the Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, and the Real Academia Canaria de Ciencias and Real Academia Galega de Ciencias. He founded the series of International Fall Workshops on Geometry and Physics. He was re-founder and vice-president of the Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME), and Director of La Gaceta de la RSME. Coordinator of the Spanish Committee for the World Mathematical Year 2000, President of the Spanish Committee for Mathematics (CEMAT), 2004-2007, President of the International Congress of Mathematicians ICM2006-Madrid, member of the Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union, IMU (2007-2014) and of the Executive Board of the International Council for Science, ICSU, now ISC (2014-2018). Very active in outreach work, with 10 books published, numerous articles in the media as well as conferences in educational centers and museums. He publishes the blog Matemáticas y sus fronteras, which has been awarded twice.

ResearchedID: I-5029-2013
Scopus Author ID: 7102467336

Patrizia Pucci

Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences – University of Perugia – Italy
Reseña curricular

Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis since 1987, Prof. Pucci has published many influential papers (she has been highly cited researcher since 2021) and during her career she has achieved many awards and recognition. In 2016 and 2017, she became Doctor Honoris Causa in Mathematics, awarded by the University of Craiova and the Babes Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania). She got the Prize Prof. Luigi Tartufari for Mathematics, awarded by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome (2004). Since February 2017 member of the Accademia delle Scienze dell'Umbria and Corrispondente della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali dell'Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, since 2019. Since April 2021, Prof. Pucci is the Director of the INdAM Research Unit of the University of Perugia.

ResearchedID: C-7387-2015
Scopus Author ID: 7102345575

Luis Vega

BCAM (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics)
Reseña curricular

Prof. Vega is the principal investigator of the Severo Ochoa excellence grant at the Basque Center of Applied Mathematics (BCAM) in Bilbao and a world-renowned expert in partial differential equations and Fourier analysis. He has been vice-president of the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society (RSME) and member of the Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SEMA), and is currently an officer of the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM). He is also a member of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, the European Academy of Sciences and the Academia Europaea. In his long career, Professor Vega has been awarded for his research work on several occasions. Recently, in November 2021, he received from the Spanish goverment the Julio Rey Pastor National Award; in 2012 he received the Euskadi Research Award and was named Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (Inaugural Class), in 2014 he received LePrix LaRecherche, Mathématiques and in 2015 the Blaise Pascal Medal in Mathematics. He has also lead the HADE project funded by the European Research Council (ERC).

ResearchedID: C-3691-2015
Scopus Author ID: 7005820049

Comité Asesor Científico Externo


  1. O Comité Asesor Científico Externo (CACE) e as súas función

O Centro de Investigación e Tecnoloxía Matemática de Galicia (CITMAga), tal e como se describe nos seus Estatutos, ten como fin converterse nun piar de excelencia científica dentro do ecosistema de innovación e investigación de Galicia, formando, atraendo e retendo talento, para dotar a sociedade e a industria galega e española de coñecemento innovador e vantaxes competitivas e sustentables a través do acceso a capacidades científicas e tecnoloxías de primeiro nivel. 

Así mesmo, o CITMAga considera como eixe fundamental da súa actividade o pulo á transferencia de tecnoloxía e coñecemento a través da súa oficina de xestión dos resultados da investigación (ITMATI) e do programa transversal de transferencia do consorcio. 

O Consello Reitor é o órgano superior de goberno do CITMAga, como se establece no Artigo 10 dos Estatutos do centro. Correspóndelle, entre outras atribucións, o  nomeamento e cesamento dos membros do Comité Asesor Científico Externo e do Comité Asesor Industrial (Artigo 10.4.i). 

No artigo 16 dos Estatutos descríbese a composición e tarefas do CACE, sendo este o principal órgano consultivo externo de carácter científico do CITMAGA, que será o encargado de realizar o seguimento do Centro e avaliar de forma continuada a súa actividade, así como ao seu persoal investigador. O CACE estará integrado por un mínimo de tres e un máximo de cinco membros, dos cales un actuará como presidente e outro como secretario. 

Os membros do Comité Asesor Científico Externo son nomeados polo Consello Reitor de entre persoas de recoñecido prestixio científico e de transferencia no ámbito das matemáticas que non formen parte do persoal investigador do CITMAga, e serán designados por un período de catro anos, renovables por outros períodos de igual duración. 

Son atribucións do Comité Asesor Científico Externo (Artigo 16. 5): 

  1. Asesorar o Consello Reitor e a Dirección Científica sobre a definición temática e orientación da investigación que se vaia desenvolver no CITMAga, así como sobre calquera outro aspecto que se considere oportuno. 
  2. Asistir o Consello Reitor e a Dirección Científica sobre o seguimento da evolución da investigación e da transferencia dos resultados. 
  3. Avaliar as solicitudes de vinculación de novo persoal investigador. 
  4. Avaliar a memoria anual de actividades do CITMAga. 
  5. Avaliar, cada dous anos, o progreso das accións vinculadas ao plan estratéxico e a implantación da axenda científica, xunto co desempeño da persoa titular da Dirección Científica e o progreso do persoal investigador do CITMAga. 
  6. Avaliar, cada catro anos, a actividade científica do persoal investigador do CITMAga e dos grupos que o integran, considerando a súa contribución ao desenvolvemento da axenda científica e á consecución dos seus obxectivos. 
  7. Avaliar globalmente cada catro anos a actividade do CITMAga. 

Para a súa aprobación por parte do Consello Reitor Constitutivo, propóñense como membros do CACE a cinco investigadores de probada excelencia científica nos ámbitos da Axenda Científica do CITMAga.