A Comparative Study of a Predator-Prey System with the Impact of Fear and Habitat Complexity
A Comparative Study of a Predator-Prey System with the Impact of Fear and Habitat Complexity
"A Comparative Study of a Predator-Prey System with the Impact of Fear and Habitat Complexity", organizado polo CITMAga, en formato presencial. Prof. G. Samanta Indian lnstitute of Engineering Science and Technology
Data: martes 17 de xaneiro de 2023
Hora: 12:00 h (duración 1 hora)
Lugar: Seminario Análise Matemático, Facultade de Matemáticas, da USC
In this study, a predator-prey model with two different shaped functional responses is investigated where the prey reproduction and predators’ attack coefficient are affected by the predator induced fear and the degree of habitat complexity respectively. For saturating shaped functional response, both prey and predator biomass may oscillate for lower levels of fear with a lower degree of habitat complexity. But for dome-shaped case, the coexistence steady state, if exists, may be locally asymptotically stable for a lower degree of habitat complexity. In this case, the system is capable of producing multiple coexistence steady states with a bi-stable phenomenon. In the dynamics of parametric disturbance, dome-shaped functional response may produce the hysteresis phenomena, whereas the saturating-shaped functional response predicts a system resilience. For both the functional responses, a higher degree of habitat complexity always increases the extinction possibility of the predator, and no level of fear can compensate this biodiversity loss.