Nilpotent Lie algebras obtained by quivers and Ricci solitons
Nilpotent Lie algebras obtained by quivers and Ricci solitons
03 Mai 2024
Aula 10 da Facultade de Matemáticas, USC
"Nilpotent Lie algebras obtained by quivers and Ricci solitons", organizado polo CITMAga. Será impartido por Hiroshi Tamaru (Osaka Metropolitan University, Xapón).
Data: Venres 3 de maio de 2024.
Hora: 17.30 h.
Lugar: Aula 10 da Facultade de Matemáticas, USC.
A quiver is a directed graph, where multiple arrows and loops are allowed. In this talk, we introduce a method for obtaining nilpotent Lie algebras from finite quivers without cycles. For all of these Lie algebras, the corresponding simply-connected nilpotent Lie groups admit left-invariant Ricci solitons. This constructs a large family of examples of Ricci soliton nilmanifolds with arbitrarily high nilpotency steps. This talk is based on a joint work with Fumika Mizoguchi.