On tree-cotree and parallel methods for electromagnetic simulations in 3D
On tree-cotree and parallel methods for electromagnetic simulations in 3D
"On tree-cotree and parallel methods for electromagnetic simulations in 3D", organizado por CITMAga. Será impartido por Mario Mally (Group of Computational Electromagnetics, Technical University of Darmstadt).
Data: 11 de xuño de 2024.
Hora: 10:00 h.
Duración: 1 hora
Lugar: Aula Magna da Facultade de Matemáticas (USC) e online por MS Teams a través do enlace Teams Meeting.
The trend of additive manufacturing and corresponding new components is also arising in electromagnetic applications such as electric machines. This entails different challenges for simulation tools and prototyping in general. For example, freeform or topology optimization of time-dependent devices in 3D is challenging due to high memory requirements and long simulation durations. Nonetheless, three dimensions are often essential to account for some effects, e.g., skewing or stray fields in the winding heads. We aim to improve this situation by decreasing computational time and the memory footprint through parallelism. In this presentation, our attention is directed towards tearing and interconnecting techniques for both magnetostatic and eddy current problems, as well as their combination with Parallel-in-Time algorithms. Meanwhile, fundamental concepts and ideas are related to the explicit application of simulating electric machines.