Probing moduli spaces with subbundles
Probing moduli spaces with subbundles
16 Out 2024
Aula 10 da Facultade de Matemáticas (USC)
"Probing moduli spaces with subbundles", organizado polo CITMAga en formato presencial. Será impartido por Duong Dihn (MF Oberwolfach [Alemania]).
Data: mércores 16 de outubro de 2024
Hora: 16:30 h
Duración: 1 hora
Lugar: Aula 10 da Facultade de Matemáticas (USC)
Using subbundles as decorated data, we can explicitly describe the moduli spaces of bundles, Higgs bundles and holomorphic connections in rank-2 cases. The symplectic structures and natural stratification on these moduli spaces are also naturally encoded. As an application, we can describe components of the wobbly loci in terms of zeroes of quadratic differentials.