Some basic theorems on quasi-metric spaces
Some basic theorems on quasi-metric spaces
23 Xul 2024
Aula Seminario de Análise Matemática (Facultade de Matemáticas, USC)
"Some basic theorems on quasi-metric spaces", impartido por Abdelghani Ouahab (Laboratory of Mathematics, University Sidi-Bel-Abbès, Algeria).
Data: Martes 23 de xullo de 2024.
Hora: 12:00 h.
Duración: 1 h.
Lugar: Aula Seminario de Análise Matemática (Facultade de Matemáticas, USC).
The objective of this talk is to introduce the concept of quasi-metric space, also known as b-metric space. We further discuss the topological structure inherent to this class of b-metric spaces. Furthermore, we present the version of Cantor, Banach, Baire, and Stone theorems on quasi-metric spaces. Furthermore, we examine the b-metrization of the Heisenberg group.
Keywords: Quasi-metric, fixed point, Heisenberg group, optimal transport.