Vaisman manifolds, transverse Kähler-Ricci flow and Einstein-Weyl structures

03 Nov 2023
Aula 9, Facultade de Matemáticas USC e en liña

"Vaisman manifolds, transverse Kähler-Ricci flow and Einstein-Weyl structures", organizado por CITMAga. Será impartido por Vladimir Slesar (Department of Mathematical Methods and Models, University Politehnica of Bucharest). Chair: Jesús Antonio Álvarez López (USC - CITMAga).

Data: Venres 3 de Novembro

Hora: 16:00 h.

Duración: 1 hora

Lugar: Aula 9, Facultade de Matemáticas USC e en liña (MS Teams)

We give a brief account on Vasiman manifolds and construct a transverse deformation of this manifolds using a potential function. The deformation changes the complex structure, but preserves the canonical foliation. Then we use the transverse Kähler-Ricci flow to deform the Vaisman metric into another Vaisman metric with a transverse Kähler-Einstein structure. We investigate the interplay with Einstein-Weyl structures in the setting of Vaisman manifolds. Some examples are also provided to illustrate the main results.